Pilates is for everyone, from young to old, sedentary to athletic. It is for people who are strong or weak, flexible or inflexible. It is for pregnant women, and those seeking rehabilitation from injuries, and often recommended by doctors, physical therapists and chiropractors. It is adaptable and diverse with thousands of exercises to choose from allowing for modifications to increase or decrease the level of challenge. Pilates is used as a complete fitness program as well as a supplement to other methods of fitness. It is a tool to educate the body to have better posture and move in a more efficient way. Pilates is for those who want to look and feel better. It is for those who strive to function at an optimal level, pain-free. Pilates is for those who seek balance in life, wanting to change their lives for the better by enhancing the mind while strengthening the body. Pilates is for anyone and everyone!